Monday, 12 November 2012


Code for Sustainable Homes LEVEL 3

This is the minimum requirement for a new house in Monmouthshire/Gwent.
For this 57 points are required out of a possible 100

Level 1   36 points
Level 2  48 points
Level 3  57 points
Level 4  68 points
Level 5  84 points
Level 6  90 points

It has been discussed that    Code 3 adds £5-7000
                                                 Code 4 adds £7-10,000
and                                          Code 6 adds £40-50,000

As well as designing a new home with a possible structural engineer involved, since 2006 it has all changed. Now for 1012 homes other experts are involved;

Dwelling Emission Rate                                              SAP Assessor
Design and Access Statement                                   Architect
Beam calculations                                                        Structural Engineer
Code for Sustainable Home assessment                 Code Assessor
Security                                                                         Police Liaison Officer
Ecological Enhancement                                            Ecologist
Air Leakage Test                                                         Air Leakage assessor
with possible
Flood assessment                                                       Drainage and Flood assessor
Daylighting                                                                    Daylighting Expert
Archeologist watching brief                                        Archeologist

All experts and most need paying.

The Code for Sustainable Home assessment is carried out at the design stage
Energy Saving for home builders is 25% reduction against the 2006 Building Regulations
so for
Roof         U value is    0.13
Walls                             0.25
Floors                           0.20
Windows                      1.20
Doors                           1.00
Y value                          0.04

Air Tightness                                  3.00
Mechanical Ventilation                  MHVR 85% efficiency
Low Energy Lighting                      75%
DER Dwelling Emission Rate      17.59

Note that Code level 3 is the minimum at present BUT soon Local Autrhorities will be adopting Level 4

All this is adding the build costs by approx 15% so engage a knowledgeable Architect who can help you apply the code to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Easily Recreating The Look of a Classic Wallpaper: Patterned Paint Rollers

We ran across an interesting idea on The Painted House, which most of you DIY enthusiasts will probably enjoy. Found via FloDeau, the patterned paint rollers can easily recreate the look of a classic wallpaper; if you are willing to take things further, they can even be used to print patterns on various fabrics. The unusual tools in used in Romania- where many creative folks use them as alternatives to wallpaper. Explaination,  “there are two parts to the roller system: firstly, there are the 6 inch wide, embossed patterned rollers in 9 different designs; then there is a choice of two applicators, one for use on fabric and the other for paper & walls“.

The rollers are reusable and interchangeable. The fabrics have the look of traditional handmade block-printed fabric, and are not for heavy use. Like any other hand-printed fabric, they need very delicate hand washing with a mild detergent. The paper and walls roller gives a sponged, gently handmade look, like old, forgotten, sun-bleached wallpaper. It particularly suits old walls“. Find the idea interesting?  . You can  buy the items on Etsy, for a fair price.

Check out for more interesting ideas